Work With Me
You Have Suffered Long Enough
It’s Time to dig in and make a commitment to yourself! You are NOT doomed to a life of chronic health challenges and symptoms – but you do need to do the work it takes to get the results you deserve and I would be honored to guide you through this journey. This isn’t a quick-fix program – you already tried those or you wouldn’t be here.
Your Personal History Makes You Unique
My functional medicine approach is a whole different way of looking at your health challenges. Together we will dig deep into your unique story.
From the day you were born, there have been genetic, environmental, social, emotional, dietary, and many cultural influences that have created your personal biology and health outcomes.
There isn’t a one size fits all approach or diet to healing – no such thing as a “pill for every ill” here. You may have the same diagnosis as many other people, but how you got there and how you heal will look different.
We will create YOUR healing plan – one that considers who you are, what you need and where you want to go.

Five Foundational Pillars
In our work together, we will explore the Five Foundational Pillars of Optimal Health, that when addressed as part of a comprehensive plan, will move you toward your ultimate recovery.
- Whole Food
- Stress Management
- Movement
- Sleep
- Detoxification
Each area plays a vital role in how you feel, think and move. We will focus on where you are in each of these areas and get you to where you want to be in order to reach your wellness goals.

You Can Expect to . . .
- Discover the root cause of your health challenges and symptoms and how to take charge of these symptoms so they no longer get the best of you.
- Learn what foods are contributing to your digestive distress and discomfort so you aren’t afraid to go out without access to the nearest bathroom.
- Explore new delicious foods and recipes that you can easily prepare and enjoy so you feel less stressed and overwhelmed in the kitchen.
- Stop those powerful cravings without relying on will power and deprivation by replacing sugary, processed foods with foods that give your body the nutrients you really need.
- Discover how to fit in the right kind of exercise, movement and play into your day in a way that is enjoyable and sustainable.
- Learn how to stay motivated and positive, even when life gets in your way-Hint: getting rid of the perfectionist, all or nothing attitude.
- Accelerate your results by upgrading the quality of your sleep (without medications), with tools you can use to get those much needed ZZZ’s for optimal rest and rejuvenation.

Your Personal Health Coaching Includes . . .
- 45 minute private sessions that are all about you.
- Email or text support during my office hours, to ensure your hormones and cravings don’t get the best of you and keep you on track between sessions.
- Simple recipes and educational handouts to provide you with the right information and tools to keep you successful for the long term.
Your Wellness Investment
$240 (one time fee)
90 Minute Intake Session to include a health history, symptom questionnaire, lab review and feedback.
4 sessions for $480 (or $130 per session)
Includes: Two 45 Minute Follow-up Phone or Zoom Sessions per month.