Meet Mary
Hi! I’m Mary, and welcome to my website. If you are reading this page, you are probably struggling with an ongoing health challenge related to “wacked- out” hormones and confusing thyroid symptoms. You are probably feeling frustrated, depressed, overweight and basically – like “CRAP”.
I’ve been there, I get it!
In 2007, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time, I was chronically stressed and really not taking very good care of myself. I was more focused on my kids and my job, putting myself last. As long as they got the right food and exercise each day- I was doing my job. In the meantime, I would just grab a quick bagel, bowl of pasta or cereal and continue on my “not so “Mary” way”.
I walked around with a constant pit in my stomach, not realizing this wasn’t normal and was actually damaging my body, mind and relationships.
I had chronic allergies and insomnia which was the “norm” for me. I would pop a pill and not give it a second thought. I believed, that is how you deal with your body. You have a symptom- headache, cramps, sleep issue, you name it, and there would be a medication that “so would magically solve” your problem!
I also had a history of hormonal related issues: acne as a teen and into my 20’s, painful periods, endometriosis, infertility and breast cancer. I was known as the “allergy queen” in my HS yearbook! I woke up every morning with over 50 used Kleenex on the floor next to my bed.
And so I got my “wake up” call. A little louder then I wanted, but I guess this was the “kick in the butt” I needed to start looking at my own self-care. I thought I was so healthy. I never had a weight issue and exercised regularly. So what gives? But my body was giving me a different message!

The days that followed were a blur. I mindlessly went through the cancer treatments as prescribed by the specialists. After all, they were the experts and knew “best”. By the end of this process though, I slowly came out of my fog and started questioning what was really going on. I realized no one was talking to me about diet and lifestyle. I knew enough about diet, exercise and stress to understand there was some connection here. My doctor claimed she didn’t know why people get cancer (or any disease for that matter), it wasn’t my fault or anything I did, so I should just go on with my life and not worry. “They would do the worrying for me.”
Nice sentiment, but I knew I needed to take back control of my own health and no one could do it for me. I went home, quit my job (I realize not everyone can do this) and went back to school to study integrative health coaching. My family was also beginning to experience their own health challenges related to the side effects of medication over prescription, diet and stress. They were becoming a full time job!
I began my studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC and I haven’t stopped learning since. I recently completed and am certified as a Functional Medicine Provider through the School of Applied Functional Medicine. I am a certified Cancer Coach and studied with Replenish PDX completing their digestive intensive program and the Hashimoto Institute Specialist program. I am an avid researcher and reader of all things healthy. I am your go-to resource for trying to dig deep and figure out what is really going on “under the hood” and what can be done about it.
You know what? As I went through my studies, and slowly changed my own food plan and figured out what my body needed and was crying for- my allergies went away! My energy soared! I was no longer chronically stressed, bloated and grumpy! I slept through the night! How could that be? I thought I was doomed to a life of sleep deprivation, worry and Kleenex. This was amazing stuff!
I am passionate about supporting you in taking back control or your health and educating you about what is really going on in your body. The answers aren’t found in your medicine cabinet and there is so much more you can do to overcome your health obstacles and get your life back!
I love hearing the joy in the voices of my clients as they realize there is hope and they really can beat it!
Come see what just a few of my clients have said about working with me here See Testimonials.
Are you serious about getting your thyroid and digestive issues handled once and for all? I would love to talk with you about how I can support you from feeling like CRAP to feeling absolutely amazing. Here’s the first step: Free Health Breakthrough Session Page
Don’t waste one more precious day struggling on your own. There are answers and I can help.